Find and Live Your Bucket List. You spent many years raising your family, in a career, and now you are looking at retirement. You want these next years of your life to be fulfilling. And not just for you, but for generations to come: In this day and time there is also the need to help our planet heal. You have time on your hands. You would like to figure out what is really important to you in this next stage of your life.
So maybe it’s time to get started on your Bucket List? (You’ve seen the movie Bucket List, haven’t you? You know the one where Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson start on the adventure of their lifetime to do those things that they’ve always wanted to do before they kick the bucket.)
The problem is… So often when we finally sit down and make a list of things we have always wanted to do and places we have wanted to visit…. We get sidetracked. For example: You begin reading about women making a difference in the world. You ponder how you would like to help—-end poverty, educate children, empower women. But then you feel tired just thinking about making it happen. You find yourself drifting into a daily routine that still has the pull of family commitments, or doing things for others, without really stopping to think “What about me? What is important that I do for me?”
“Sometimes it is easy to think my goals are not important to anyone but me and I find myself letting my goals fall to the wayside. Receiving feedback from others who are working toward their own larger goals helped me move my goals back to the forefront.”
It’s understandable that we most of us step back from really living our dreams. It’s scary to go out into new territory after living with the comfort of the roles that life has defined for us until now… You find yourself wondering: Have I even got it in me? Have I got what it takes to follow my dreams?
I’m here to tell you that you do have what it takes to find and live your dreams. As Boomer women, we have a big choice to make – to move forward vibrantly, leaving a legacy of being fulfilled from deep service and living our dreams….or not. Even though we could spend the rest of our lives dealing with everyday life, underneath it all, the gnawing feeling that you have a real contribution to make is still there, tugging at your heart.
These Boomer years can be the most vibrant, most fulfilling years of your life. You can learn to live life in a new way. You become energized in this new way of doing life, instead of becoming depleted. You can consciously find a peaceful calm way to contribute to the healing of our planet. Your heart can tell you which direction to go and how to proceed so that you enjoy being retired while living your dreams and helping the planet heal.
The good news is you don’t have to do it alone. With the support of other like-souled women, you can find and live your Bucket List… And you can cheer each other on.
“Connecting with other women in a supportive environment helped me find the inner direction to face a ‘cleaning out’ that was looming over me. At the end of the course I was 80% complete and now find it easy to move forward.”
BoomerWomanBucketList telecourse. BoomerWomanBucketList is a telecourse that meets once a week for 6 weeks, a small group of 4 people. The telecourse will cover self care of the body, of the heart, and of the soul, plus clarifying a Bucket List for each group member, and setting up support for action steps. In addition to group support, you will receive two individual 1 hour mentoring sessions to help you find true clarity in your goals.
Each call is 1 ½ hours long. Group size limit is 4.
You will find benefit in this group if you are:
* feeling lack of focus on what is next for you in your Boomer years.
* curious how you can contribute to healing our planet.
* questioning your life’s purpose at this stage of your life.
* longing to hang out with women whose interest is to live vibrantly in their Boomer years.
* caught up in cultural views about aging and looking for a fresh perspective.
Here is what you can receive from being in our Boomer telecourse:
+ be in community with other like-souled Boomer Women!
+ gain clarity on your personal, unique Bucket List.
+ learn how to live your Boomer years in a joyful, fulfilled way.
+ discover your unique contribution to helping our planet heal.
When: Wednesdays, Sept 4,11,18, 25, Oct 2, 9.
Time: 6:30pm pacific, 8:30 central; 9:30 eastern.
Length: 1 ½ hours.
Group size: Max 4.
Cost: $250.
Includes: Six weekly teleclasses, plus.
two 1 hour mentoring sessions, to be scheduled during the 6 week telecourse.
Ready to sign up?? Here is how to pay: button below or e-mail me to send check;
If your heart resonates, I would love to have you in the telecourse!